Malcolm X's Iraqi connection

Today its the anniversary of the Martyrdom of Malcolm X. On this day we would also like to remember Iraqi activist, doctor and political scientist Mohammed Taki Mahdi. M.T Mahdi had arranged Malcolm's trip to Mecca and helped him understand Islam.

Mohammed Taki Mahdi (left) and Malcolm X (right)

In 1958  they double performed at the Pakistan Republic day conference in Los Angeles. Taki Mahdi and Malcolm X both called for solidarity between Arabs and African Americans. Zionism and any other form of racism was staunchly rejected.

Mohammed Mehdi Taki stated then: ''If the Zionists, as they claim, have not forgotten Palestine over the last 2,000 years, it is reasonable to assume that the Arab refugees of Palestine, who were born in Palestine...will not forget their home."

Malcolm X complemented him saying:

It is asinine to expect fair treatment from the white press(..). Arabs must – if they are to escape Atomic death and destruction – make an effort to reach the millions of people of colour in America who are related to Arabs by blood.